Samsung, Virtual Training Summit

Samsung had planned their new mobile and wearable devices for an early 2021 release, including the ground-breaking Galaxy S21 range which was going to make the ‘Everyday Epic’. During the third national lockdown in less than a year we took the Samsung National Training Summit virtual to deliver a whole new experience for salespeople and brand ambassadors across the UK.

Using the dedicated production, content and broadcast expertise of our sister agency ‘OnLive Events’, we created bespoke studio environments for our amazing hosts to deliver multiple immersive livestreamed training sessions showcasing the Samsung devices and ecosystem for nearly 300 attendees.

All 260+ delegates were engaged throughout the two days with live polls, questions and the ability to ask any question to anyone in a live chat. They all received ‘learn along’ care packages with everything they would need to remain energised and alert throughout the 2-day event.

In previous years we’ve loved running these Training Summit events physically, but the challenge to go virtual was one we gladly rose to. We clearly avoided the dreaded ‘zoomed out’ feeling and kept them super-engaged – attendees rated the event a 9.2/10!





2 days, 2 studios




event experience rating


attendee knowledge & understanding

We seamlessly connected multiple locations across the UK with Covid-safe standards to deliver a live stream to over 260+ attendees.

Injecting X Into EXperience

Blue Square Specialisms

Virtual Events
Staff Engagement
Retail Innovation

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