Our newest wave of Pulse Index has given us another deeper insight into the minds of consumers and their considered purchases, across the UK and Ireland. And as we know, the status of global pandemic that brought us to a grinding halt has, unsurprisingly, meant that consumers flocked towards online purchase. Despite the general consensus being that the online-retail split shifting towards the virtual marketplace was a permanent feature of retail, wave III of Pulse Index continues to suggest otherwise, as we continue to see an inclination from the public to get back into bricks-and-mortar.
But in reality, it doesn’t end there. With a desire to move back to bricks-and-mortar being seen by many demographics, there’s still a huge segment across all demographics that truly embrace both the physical and online purchase paths bringing the world of omnichannel to the forefront of people’s minds (even if they have no idea they’ve gone omnichannel themselves).
At Blue Square, we fully believe that the future of retail is an always-on approach to make sure a brand’s customers can get in contact as and when it best suits them. This is where we believe in the power of harmonised retail.
So with that in mind, I’ve dived into the data and here are 5 key takeaways of how consumers see the landscape of harmonised retail and what your marketing team can do to reap the benefits.